Thursday, 22 March 2012

Questions Four. Who would be your audience for your media product?

Question Fourrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  1. You must do 2 separate prezis for this questions 4 7 5, the examiners have insisted on this.
    Question 4 is doing a profile of your target audience which you have completed.

    Question 5: Another slide show identifying aspects of you film which audiences would find appealing. You can also evaluate any feedback you have had on your film. Think about:
    Audiences view films inter textually/comparatively so they will expect specific conventions in a thriller. So your film offers a disturbed and isolated girl who perhaps because of betrayal or jealousy or fear of losing control decides to poison her friend or friends, thus there is a murder in your film, or attempted murder.
    Your target audience is probably reliant on friendship groups so your target audience will be interested in a friendship group which goes sour.
    Your main character will attract female audiences who may be fed up with seeing thriller films which involve men with guns and find a film where the action revolves around a young woman, not unlike themselves appealing.
    The cliffhanger will also whet the appetite of your audience because is the girl about to be found out? Who is knocking at her door? Has she imagined the incident or is she planning to poison her friend/s?

    Jess you are doing so well I am sure you can answer question 5 excellently. Just make sure Question 4 and 5 a separate.

  2. Thanks Miss, Will take some work from this powerpoint and put it on another as I have mentioned most aspects you have just identified to me.
