Sunday, 4 March 2012

Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge thriller forms and conventions of real media products?

1 comment:

  1. An interesting and splendidly constructed prezi. You have skilfully embedded appropriate shots to reinforce your points. I like your points about gender and challenging steretypes but you need to keep this for a prezi on Question 2 because you can't repreat yourself in your evaluation.

    In order to strengthen evidence of understanding generic conventions I did point Billie in the direction of the following:

    Reference "The Young Poisoner's Handbook"(1995) on IMDB a film This film is based on a true story about a British teenager who allegedly poisoned family, friends, and co-workers... See full summary » about..."

    If you want to remove your effective comments about gender and sterotyping to question 2 you could instead reference the above film.

    You may also wish to add that you establish the generic conventions of the film in the first moments of your production with the close up shots of the poisoner concocting the poinsonus brew! This sets a very dark and compelling tone. You could also add that the close up shots place the audience in the positioner of the poisoner and in a sense collude with the poisoner.

    Your expression and use of media terminology continues to improve. If you wish me to go through your prezi in a one to one situation let me know. A proficient response - you could raise your grade by doing a little bit of research into The Young Poisoner's Handbook" .

    You may also wish to comment that it is difficult to find a contemporary thriller which deals with female killers - always a touchy subject. Thus your group challenged the conventions of the genre where the killer is male, for example........
