Friday, 14 October 2011

How did tinker tailor use new technologies for marketing?

·       Empire posted videos of interviews with Gary Oldman because specific audiences watch from empire. Empire targets audiences that know about film and are interested in them.
·     Interviewed Gary Oldman on football focus 10th September. This would attract a male audience as the film has mainly a male cast.
·       Set up Facebook pages where pictures, trailers, competitions were posted. The posters were posted on Facebook where you had to identify codes that were purposely created with in the posters to win a free poster. This would target a younger audience as most teenagers have Facebook nowadays.
·       Apple sent pod casts of interviews with the actors. This would have a wide range of audiences and people who normally download podcasts would then download this.
·       Created a website where they made you involve yourself with the film, where you had to input a code. This again would target a younger audience as it makes more interesting for them to involve themselves in guessing the codes etc.
·       Vue held an interaction based interview on Twitter with Gary Oldman where people could post questions and he would answer. Twitter also allowed people to re-post many things so it was widely spread. Vue is a mainstream cinema and so even though this film is mort of an art-house film this would attract all different audiences that wouldn’t necessarily watch this without it being advertised through Vue.
·       Tinker Tailor made several different trailers which were focused on the actors and the number coding more than the action within. This was used within YouTube and anyone watching clips on that (more younger audience) would see the trailer and therefore maybe become interested in seeing the movie in the cinema. 
This shows that the target audiences were mainly male, who were interested in thriller films, who had seen some films by the director before which would create an expectation.

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