Monday, 30 January 2012
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Props - (to be finished)
We will use the following props:
This sort of glass jar will be used to mix the chemicals in. The scientific feel to bottle reinforces her seriousness and determination that she will commit this crime, with out any second thoughts.
This sort of glass jar will be used to mix the chemicals in. The scientific feel to bottle reinforces her seriousness and determination that she will commit this crime, with out any second thoughts.
This will contain some more chemical fluid to make the 'experiment' look more effective and realistic because it shows the preperation of failiure, meaning she still has some more of the mixture available and ready to use.
The perfume sample pots are to keep the poison in, firstly so it looks like harmless perfume. It's easy to hide and keep concealed within a secret pocket inside the huge jacket that Thelma is wearing. And also, the cinical aspect of the pots, gives the 'experiment' a realistic atmosphere for the audience.
Filming schedule.
Monday 9th January - begin
In double lesson, started to practise filming the shots of the criminal walking to the friends house. Then review our shots and decide on what to use and what not to use.
Monday 16th January
Another double lesson, start filming the criminal walking and get the section done
(wednesday's between these, we booked a science lab to use, but had been taken, so this delayed our filming)
Wednesday the 25th January
Film in the 'lab' where the poisoning being made, during our media lesson which is last period.
Also film an alternative scene in a small basement again for the poison making, as we can't decide which one would look the most effective.
Thursday the 26th January - finish.
Filming of the friends house, and the actual posioning being executed.
In double lesson, started to practise filming the shots of the criminal walking to the friends house. Then review our shots and decide on what to use and what not to use.
Monday 16th January
Another double lesson, start filming the criminal walking and get the section done
(wednesday's between these, we booked a science lab to use, but had been taken, so this delayed our filming)
Wednesday the 25th January
Film in the 'lab' where the poisoning being made, during our media lesson which is last period.
Also film an alternative scene in a small basement again for the poison making, as we can't decide which one would look the most effective.
Thursday the 26th January - finish.
Filming of the friends house, and the actual posioning being executed.
Characterisation of the characters in our thriller.
We decided to include a criminalistic female teen to challenge the thriller genre. As we're using a girl instead of a man, this allows us to shock the audience and rebel against the archytypal criminalistic man. Usually, you would see men maintaining the power and inflicting crime, for example in 'Essex Boys' Jason is the man who inflicts pain and causes the crime. However, another film that challenges the thriller genre is ' The girl with the dragon tattoo' where the teen girl in this film, also commits several crimes and shows acts of violence.
We decided to call my character Thelma, as it reveals an intertexual reference to the film ' Thelma and Louise' allowing the audience to relate to the character, so the audience will assume that my character will be of a femme fatale nature. Thelma is always in control of the situations, just like my character. She also decides to take over when she's had enough, and crosses the line just like Thelma when she goes to shoot the rapist and steal the police car.
Thelma will be played by myself, and my group decided that she will have a jealous and distorted personality, which is is reflected on the obscure poisoning that carrys out upon her 'friend', because of her jealousy towards her. This is then reinforced onto the audience, suggesting a disturbed past/upbringing. When Thelma was young, her parents were full time workers, and never had the oppotunity to create an emotional attachment towards any parent apart from her carer. Even then, her parents stopped sending the carer to look after her, so she had to cope with looking after herself. Thelma never had anyone to properly to deeply care about her, so that's why she has these jealous strikes, and why she's abnormal. This meant she became insensate , so she never learnt to cope with friendships untill she was sent to highschool where she was bullyed, so this is where she developed an agressive nature - standing up for herself because no-body else would.After highschool she became angry very quickly and possesive about what other people were thinking so she became a shy girl and made friends. She met Maddison Grace which was then her best friend from then onwards.
We chose Madison Grace as the victim's name because it reflects her calming, friendly nature, it also represents her being Holy because, 'Grace' being a religious term. The name also reveals a disposition to be generous or helpful and filled with goodwill. Madison had the perfect upbringing, family, friendhsips, she was pretty and was never bullied. I decided to create this sort of character, to make the audience sympathise with her and to create juxtaposition of the two characters with the extreme contrasts of such a heavenly character, compared to an 'evil' one.
Because of Madisons such perfect life, this is why Thelma becomes jealous, as Madison introduces her to some of her friends, Thelma feels she's trying to make her look stupid and so she seeks revenge.
We decided to call my character Thelma, as it reveals an intertexual reference to the film ' Thelma and Louise' allowing the audience to relate to the character, so the audience will assume that my character will be of a femme fatale nature. Thelma is always in control of the situations, just like my character. She also decides to take over when she's had enough, and crosses the line just like Thelma when she goes to shoot the rapist and steal the police car.
Thelma will be played by myself, and my group decided that she will have a jealous and distorted personality, which is is reflected on the obscure poisoning that carrys out upon her 'friend', because of her jealousy towards her. This is then reinforced onto the audience, suggesting a disturbed past/upbringing. When Thelma was young, her parents were full time workers, and never had the oppotunity to create an emotional attachment towards any parent apart from her carer. Even then, her parents stopped sending the carer to look after her, so she had to cope with looking after herself. Thelma never had anyone to properly to deeply care about her, so that's why she has these jealous strikes, and why she's abnormal. This meant she became insensate , so she never learnt to cope with friendships untill she was sent to highschool where she was bullyed, so this is where she developed an agressive nature - standing up for herself because no-body else would.After highschool she became angry very quickly and possesive about what other people were thinking so she became a shy girl and made friends. She met Maddison Grace which was then her best friend from then onwards.
We chose Madison Grace as the victim's name because it reflects her calming, friendly nature, it also represents her being Holy because, 'Grace' being a religious term. The name also reveals a disposition to be generous or helpful and filled with goodwill. Madison had the perfect upbringing, family, friendhsips, she was pretty and was never bullied. I decided to create this sort of character, to make the audience sympathise with her and to create juxtaposition of the two characters with the extreme contrasts of such a heavenly character, compared to an 'evil' one.
Because of Madisons such perfect life, this is why Thelma becomes jealous, as Madison introduces her to some of her friends, Thelma feels she's trying to make her look stupid and so she seeks revenge.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Shot List
Shot one :
A zooming close- of the hands revealing the menacing action of the poison making. Leaving the audience to feel enigma about the characters identity.
Shot two:
Tilted, worms eye shot of the character putting the chemical into his bag and leaving room- suggests that he is corrupted and powerful.
Shot three:
Various panning and worms eye shots of the character walking down the street, some close ups on the feet as the character walks to create suspense.
Shot four:
Wide point of view shot of the character watching friends socializing and having fun, leaves the audience to interpret what the character is feeling.
Shot five:
Birds eye/ high angle shot of character getting cups, pouring drinks.
Shot six:
A slow motion, extreme close up of the character pouring the chemical into a cup. - anticipation, who's cup is it?, why does this character want to harm another character? Slowing down the shot leaves time for the audience to build up tension and gather their assumptions.
Shot seven:
A zooming long shot in and a panning of the character as they walk past the camera to delay the action even further.
Shot eight:
Birds eye view of the tray with the cups on and hands taking the drinks leaves the audience wandering who will take the poisonous drink and the reason behind the murder of a 'friend'
A zooming close- of the hands revealing the menacing action of the poison making. Leaving the audience to feel enigma about the characters identity.
Shot two:
Tilted, worms eye shot of the character putting the chemical into his bag and leaving room- suggests that he is corrupted and powerful.
Shot three:
Various panning and worms eye shots of the character walking down the street, some close ups on the feet as the character walks to create suspense.
Shot four:
Wide point of view shot of the character watching friends socializing and having fun, leaves the audience to interpret what the character is feeling.
Shot five:
Birds eye/ high angle shot of character getting cups, pouring drinks.
Shot six:
A slow motion, extreme close up of the character pouring the chemical into a cup. - anticipation, who's cup is it?, why does this character want to harm another character? Slowing down the shot leaves time for the audience to build up tension and gather their assumptions.
Shot seven:
A zooming long shot in and a panning of the character as they walk past the camera to delay the action even further.
Shot eight:
Birds eye view of the tray with the cups on and hands taking the drinks leaves the audience wandering who will take the poisonous drink and the reason behind the murder of a 'friend'
Monday, 23 January 2012
Costume Ideas.
My costume - the 'evil' friend. Representating and stereotyping teenagers in modern life.
A kharki, military Jacket will be used to create enigma of the character because the jacket doesn't reveal the figure, making the audience question who this person is, as it completely hides them. Also, with this type of jacket, it will be oversized to cover as much of the body as we possibly can.The idea of multiple pockets could suggest to the audience that the character is criminalistic because it connotates that the character is a person to keep secrets, and be mysterious, and likes to keep things hidden. The jacket also challenges the stereotypical womens clothing, as the audience wouldn't suspect a woman under this manly but unisex jacket.
The use of gloves is a generically used item, it creates the impression that they are committing a crime, and that they are consistant because they have prepared to keep them selves hidden. It also keeps the character enigmatic because there are no hands shown, making it difficult for the audience to identify who this mysterious character is. From researching I found that the enigmatic aspect of the thriller genre works best at creating suspence and tension so covering most of the body without making the character look too covered up will work very well.
The trainers allow the character to have a little normality, seeing as I will be playing a character of the same age, I thought it would be most appropriate to wear converse trainers to reflect modern teenagers to show the audience what age the character is, so they have the impact of shock when the crime happens. And seeing as the shoes are unisex, you are still able to hide the characters gender. Creating abstruseness.
Because blue jeans are so common and most archytypes where them, I thought that this was a clever way of creating more of a enigmatic appearance so that you can only relate to the character via the shoes.
Rucksack also suggests the carrying of potential dangerous items, and you don't know what is concealed in the bag. It suggets this because in films such as 'The girl with the dragon tatoo' the main character also carrys around a rucksack where she hides her laptop in which she partakes in criminalistic actions on there. The aztec design could suggest to the audience that the character is corrupt and sharp thinking because of the patterns on the bag.
A kharki, military Jacket will be used to create enigma of the character because the jacket doesn't reveal the figure, making the audience question who this person is, as it completely hides them. Also, with this type of jacket, it will be oversized to cover as much of the body as we possibly can.The idea of multiple pockets could suggest to the audience that the character is criminalistic because it connotates that the character is a person to keep secrets, and be mysterious, and likes to keep things hidden. The jacket also challenges the stereotypical womens clothing, as the audience wouldn't suspect a woman under this manly but unisex jacket.
The use of gloves is a generically used item, it creates the impression that they are committing a crime, and that they are consistant because they have prepared to keep them selves hidden. It also keeps the character enigmatic because there are no hands shown, making it difficult for the audience to identify who this mysterious character is. From researching I found that the enigmatic aspect of the thriller genre works best at creating suspence and tension so covering most of the body without making the character look too covered up will work very well.
Because blue jeans are so common and most archytypes where them, I thought that this was a clever way of creating more of a enigmatic appearance so that you can only relate to the character via the shoes.
Rucksack also suggests the carrying of potential dangerous items, and you don't know what is concealed in the bag. It suggets this because in films such as 'The girl with the dragon tatoo' the main character also carrys around a rucksack where she hides her laptop in which she partakes in criminalistic actions on there. The aztec design could suggest to the audience that the character is corrupt and sharp thinking because of the patterns on the bag.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Essex Boys- Opening
Terry Winsor
Jeff Pope, Terry WinsorStars:
Charlie Creed-Miles, Sean Bean and Gareth MilneThe first shot is created in noir lighting. Noir lighting gives the scene a gloomy and murky atmosphere, this effect also allows us to identify that the film is a thriller because of the noir convention used. The noir lighting in a garage where props such as the car and the cage are in juxtaposition creating a claustrophobic space of which suggests that Billy has no or little hope of escaping building anxiety for the audience, this also connotates isolation. This could imply that this character is an outcast or a withdrawn person. The effect of ambient lighting and diegetic sounds in this scene makes the audience think of their own reactions in that situation because it makes the scene realistic and they can sympathise with the character because most audiences have garages themselves and have probably experienced this sort of fearful atmosphere. The use of the medium establishing shot allows us to see only a part of the garage, leaving room for the audience to imagine other menacing props or incidences that may happen. You then see a shadow of someone standing near the light in the distance of the shot, this instantly creates suspense as you don't know who it is and what they are doing in this isolated garage-expectedly alone.
Another claustrophobic close up shot, and the windows are covered in dust and cobwebs which creates an eerie atmosphere. Over the top of this shot we have a non-diegetic voice over, so we can have an insight to his thoughts, engaging with the audience. We also get reinforcement of the location as we know he is from Essex because of his accent.
Another claustrophobic close up shot, and the windows are covered in dust and cobwebs which creates an eerie atmosphere. Over the top of this shot we have a non-diegetic voice over, so we can have an insight to his thoughts, engaging with the audience. We also get reinforcement of the location as we know he is from Essex because of his accent.
It then goes to an incredibly well thought out shot of a man standing there after putting on the window wiper to get rid of all the grime from the window, the fact that the there is dirt smeared onto the window could suggest that the character revealed is disgusting and filled with impurities because as he is standing behind the grime stricken window, it shows he's clean and presentable on the outside, but, on the inside he is crammed with terror. The point of view shot allows the audience to put themselves in the characters position feeling shocked and overwhelmed because you didn't expect this random man to appear. His flamboyant shirt and leather jacket reflects a stereotypical gangster to the audience so we immediately know that he will be threatening and villainous. It also suggests to us more thriller conventions as we now have a criminal.
We then get taken into a scene that represents Britain as bleak, dull and tedious- which is an ideal atmosphere for a thriller. Non-diegetic soundtrack plays as we watch the speeding car drive into a vanishing point, this builds up excitement for the audience as it implies that they need to be somewhere or are getting away from someone. The idea of them going into a tunnel gives the impression that they are always hiding, as tunnels take them away from the outside world.
When they enter the claustrophobic tunnel we see a point of view shot of the 'criminals' disappearing into the distance - the audience feel anxious. This shot also replicates the shot of when you look through the barrel of a gun, suggesting some people are after them, or they are after some people. This shot creates mystery and tension for the audience and is a reminder of the thriller genre. The use of the tunnel also keeps you in anticipation as you actually have no idea of where they are going, or what they are about to do.
Passing through the tunnel you see this amazing close up shot of the lights reflecting onto the car window, representing prison and crime and that these people are sinful and immoral and suggests that they are going to now induce a crime. But, however you do see the facial expression of the young boy and you can see that he knows he's going to be doing something wrong, his body language is closed so this could show the little insecurity he has. Whereas, the man in the back ground is completely relaxed with his open body language and slouchy posture, this shows how superior he thinks he is as this shot looks like he has told the boy to drive him somewhere. This could also express how isolated both of them are because they have completely separated themselves and never talk to each other in the car.
Close up of 'gangter' looking in disgust shows his hatred and his animosity towards something. You know he's going to do something immoral, but you don't know what, this shot leaves the audience building up more tension. Blooded white coats and dead animal is the new location, where you know he's going to commit a crime as he takes out a baton-type weapon with him as he gets out of the white, enigmatic van. Tracking shot of the 'gangster' walking and then the 'victim' walking, (shot reverse shot) builds up even more tension as you don't know when he will lash out, you don't expect it to be soon as they are many witnesses and usually with a crime you see places of seclusion where the murderer would never be found.
After the crime happens you see a the young boy and the criminal driving away in the plain white van, creating inscrutability. You hear the sound of the vans engine creating realism and the sound of the victim in the back screeching and howling, they react in no way possible, suggesting they do this frequently and are oblivious to distressing help calls. The criminal also complains that he has blood on his shirt, showing his immoral and selfish character you can see he has been completely demoralized.
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